These rules state the requirements for competition for all meetings conducted by the Association or on behalf of the Association as set down by the I.A.A.F. handbook, or as otherwise stated in the following paragraphs: –
All athletes competing in Centre or Associaton meetings must be registered with the Associaton and shall compete in Centre approved uniforms as notified to the Associaton each year.
- Club Singlet or Crop Top with black shorts or bike pants
- Club two piece lycra outfit
- Athletes Registration numbers to be fixed to the front of singlet or crop top
- Club Singlet with black shorts or bike pants
- Athletes Registration numbers to be fixed to the front of singlet
Timing Chips
Where possible please sew the RFID timing chip button onto the front and secure the registration number over the top so the button does not get damaged in the wash etc as shown:
Uniforms are available for purchase on number pickup night or from the Uniform Officer at any time during the season.
The wearing of a club uniform generates a sense of pride, identity and team spirit among club members and assists athletes, officials and spectators to identify club members when they are competing. Furthermore, the wearing of a club uniform is a way for athletes to acknowledge their club’s support for its athletes as well as an opportunity for clubs to promote themselves through the performances of their athletes.
An athlete competing in a mixture of different dress and colour makes them look out of place and does not reflect the high standards that this Club continually strives to achieve. Should the case of a uniform be a financial burden, please do not hesitate to approach our Secretary or Uniform Officer who will discuss how the Club can assist you to make the necessary payments, or choose from a range of second hand uniforms which may be available.
Tracksuits must be removed while actually competing – in colder weather a skivvy or other long-sleeved top may be worn under the competition singlet.
a) Appropriate footwear is compulsory for all athletes in all events.
b) No athlete may wear football boots or cleats in any event.
c) Athletes in the U6 – U10 age group may not wear spike shoes.
d) Athletes in the U11 – U12 age group may wear spike shoes in events run entirely in lanes only. Spike shoes may also be worn for long jump, triple jump, high jump, and javelin.
e) Athletes in the U13 – U17 age groups may wear spike shoes in all track events (includes laned or un-laned events) except walks. Spike shoes may also be worn for long jump, triple jump, high jump, and javelin.
f) All spike shoes must be worn with all holes filled with a complete set of spikes, with no more than two blanks/slugs installed.
g) Spike shoes cannot be worn outside the defined “Field of Play” unless all spikes are suitably covered.
Whenever possible children should wear hats and sunscreen to protect them from the sun and have a drink bottle to minimise the risk of dehydration. Sunscreen is available at the canteen. Mozzie repellent is available at the canteen.
May be used at the discretion of the athlete in any event held in lanes.